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Survey of local liquor-related ordinances in Illinois

UPDATED JULY 15, 2015. Select a county or municipality name below to view liquor-related information from over 1,000 of the approximately 1,200 local entities in the state of Illinois. Some responding local jurisdictions submitted more than one completed survey, so they may be listed more than once. If your search returns no results, either the entity did not submit a survey or the name entered was misspelled.

Some notes about the survey response categories: Counties serve as the local liquor licensing authority in unincorporated areas. "On-premise" means liquor service in bars, restaurants, and banquet halls; "off-premise" means sales of packaged liquor.

IMPORTANT: ALL seller/server training (BASSET) students must renew their BASSET certification every three years (or less, if so required by local ordinance). Additionally, state law requires ALL on-premise servers (and those whose job description entails the checking of identification for alcohol purchase or entry into the licensed premises) to be BASSET-certified by a certain date if not already required by local ordinance. Please review the Required Training Dates page for the effective dates of this state training law.

Survey Entities
