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Freedom of Information Act Requests

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 ILCS 140) is designed to ensure that the public has reasonable access to information about its State and local government. FOIA sets forth the procedure for public requests to inspect or receive copies of records.

The Illinois Liquor Control Commission makes available to any person for inspection or copying all non-exempt public records. Written Freedom of Information request are promptly responded to, indicating compliance or denial to the request within 5 business days (excluding weekends and State Holidays). In certain circumstances, the ILCC may take up to an additional 5 business days to collect and prepare public records. Responses to requests made for a commercial purpose, however, may take up to 21 days or longer. All requests for records will be responded to promptly. Documents provided as part of a FOIA request will be provided as is without any explanation.

Any person may complete a Freedom of Information Act Request form, requesting any non-exempt public records of the ILCC. The form is NOT required to submit a FOIA request, but is available as a resource for anyone who wants to request records from the ILCC. Please be as specific in your request as possible. The ILCC does not accept oral requests.

There are multiple options for submitting a FOIA form:
1. Directly through our website on the FOIA Form tab
2. Download the form and email to:
3. Download the form and mail it:
    Illinois Liquor Control Commission
    Freedom of Information Act Officer
    50 W. Washington, Suite 209
    Chicago, IL 60602


The ILCC maintains many records which may be requested. Some of these records may also be available for download directly from the ILCC website. The list of commonly available records can be found in the “Commonly Requested Records” tab. Those records which are available for a direct download are linked. 

Please note, licensees can download copies of their license, official ILCC correspondence, and copies of case documentation directly from their MyTax Illinois account.

Many of the records maintained by the ILCC can be found online. Records that are available only through a FOIA request are marked with an asterisk(*). 





  • Commission meeting schedule-Commission meeting dates may be found by searching the ILCC Calendar
  • Recent Commission meeting materials (including Agendas, meeting minutes, and recordings) may be found by searching the ILCC Calendar
  • Archive of Commission Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Recordings (2020-2022)
  • Commission Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Records (Prior to 2020)*




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